My Mother in Law badgered us for a couple of years about eating organic. She warned us of the crap they put in the food we buy from the grocery stores, and especially kept on us about the meat we bought. I started buying a few things, like canned goods, organically...but then one day I watched the documentary Food Inc. on Netflix.
It changed my world.
Once I saw how the cows are fed and treated, and the chickens are fed and treated, and the poor little pigs are fed, treated, and killed...I was done with ever buying/eating any meat that wasn't fed, and killed in the correct way.
What got me the most was how these big beef companies treat their cows. They cut a hole into the second stomach of a cow, and shove corn into it. The corn helps them get fat quicker, except that cows can't digest corn. God didn't design them to eat corn. On top of how they are fed, they always keep the cows 'stored' on concrete pads, standing in their own manure, and when they are butchered...the beef companies combine the meat. So, that hamburger patty that you bought from the local grocery store...isn't even the result of one cow...but rather 10 or 20. Is that not disgusting?
Instead, buy your beef from a grocer that sells grass fed beef. You won't have to worry about E Coli or any other form of contamination.
Did you know that in the 1950's the average lifespan of a chicken from baby to adult was more than 90 days before they were killed? Now, chicken companies are able to raise a chicken from baby to adult in 30 days! They are injected with different growth hormones that make them grow so quickly, their bones don't even have a chance to grow strong. Thousands of chickens are kept in dark coops, never seeing the light of day, and they are only able to walk a few inches before collapsing. We won't even talk about how the chicken is treated after they are killed, but let's just say...instead of being rinsed and cleaned in water...they are soaked in ammonia. So think about that the next time you eat chicken that was not raised in a healthy environment, and being fed vegetarian.
Now, let's move on to our fruits and vegetables. We'll just cover the basics, although, this is yet another detailed topic. It's no secret that our veggies are sprayed down with pesticides and God knows what else to keep the veggies from going bad, or being devoured by hungry little bugs. Did you also know that on fruits like apples, and lemons...they also put a wax covering on them to make them shine more? Who wants to eat wax? I can't even begin to tell you the difference in taste from a non organic fruit or veggie, to an organic one. The organics definitely have the better taste and feel. For instance, I've never liked never. Then, I bought my first organic tomato and I swear to God it actually had a pretty fantastic taste. I eat tomatoes now...but only if they're organic. Non organic tomatoes make me sick!
I would say that now, over the course of the last few years or so, 99 percent of the food I buy in the grocery store is organic. I still haven't switched over to organic milk, but mainly because a gallon is like seven bucks...and I just can't do that. I can tell you though, how much better our food is, and how much healthier we are because of it. I know that the argument about organic food being so expensive is true, but if you have to pay an extra dollar or so for food that isn't going to kill you or your family...I say it's worth it. If you cut out the money you spend on junk food, or other stuff you don't need...buying organic is totally affordable. We are a low income family, and I still manage to buy mostly organic groceries each week. Make the decision to go organic for you, your son, your daughter, your husband. It will be well worth it.
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